Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Harvesting Solar Thermal Energy using Nanoscale Engineering” in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Korea University.
Category: news
NHTL members (from left: Heeseung Park, Sang Woo Kim, Mikyung Lim, and Dr. Bong Jae Lee, picture will be updated later) attend the KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting at Busan – 5/23/2013~5/24/2013.
Our collaborative work (with University of Pittsburgh) on the plasmonic solar cell has been published in RSC Advances.
Our collaborative work (with Sogang University) on the scanning thermoreflectance microscopy has been accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instruments.
New Member
Mr. Jongwook Jeon and Joong Bae Kim joined the Nanoscale Heat Transfer Laboratory for their M.S. study. Welcome on board!
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Measurement of Radiative Properties and Their Control using Nanostructures” in Environmental and Energy Systems Research Division at Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM).
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Metamaterials for Thermal Radiation and Their Counterpart for Acoustic Waves and Phonons” Department of Nano Manufacturing Technology at Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM).
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Energy and Sensing Applications” at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee and Mr. Sunwoo Han attended IEEE MEMS Conference in Taipei, Taiwan. Sunwoo Han has co-authored a poster presentation of “DC and AC Electrothermal Characterization of Heated Microcantilevers using Scanning Thermoreflectance Microscopy”.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee visited Tokyo Institute of Technology to meet Professor Hanamura for discussing experiment of near-field thermal radiation.