Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Tailoring Radiative Properties of Micro/Nanostructures for Solar Thermal Applications” at Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Tailoring Radiative Properties of Micro/Nanostructures for Solar Thermal Applications” at Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited talk titled “Control of Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer using Coupled Surface Plasmons” at the 4th A3 Metamaterials Forum, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 08/21/2019 – 08/24/2019.
Our collaborative work on Polariton-Assisted Thermal Conductivity Ehnancement on Multilayered Structure has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Applied.
Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited talk titled “Measurement of Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Two Surfaces” in School of Energy Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 07/12/2019
TRAD Lab members (Caiyan Qin, Jaeman Song, Junyong Seo, and Dr. Bong Jae Lee) attended the 6th ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer (AMSE 2019 MNHMT), Dalian, China, 07/08/2019 – 07/10/2019
Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited talk titled “Control of Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer using Coupled Surface Plasmons” at the 41st Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Rome, Italy, 06/17/2019 – 06/20/2019.
TRAD Lab members (Dr. Mikyung Lim and Dr. Bong Jae Lee) attended the 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (RAD-19), Athens, Greece, 06/03/2019 – 06/07/2019
Our work about Solar Absorption Characteristics of Nanoparticles with Sharp Edges has been accepted for publication in Renewable Energy.
TRAD Lab members (Joong Bae Kim, Junyong Seo, Dong-min Kim, Jihye Han, and Dr. Bong Jae Lee) attended the KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Busan, Korea, 05/23/2019 – 05/24/2019.
Mr. Joong Bae Kim has received the Best Paper Award. Congratulations!
Prof. Bong Jae Lee gave a keynote talk at International Workshop of Young Scholars in Heat Transfer and Energy during the 7th International Symposium of Micro and Nano Technology, Qingdao, China, 4/26/2019 – 4/28/2019