[동정 – 03/01/2021] Tadesse Mekdes Hailu, 남정민, 최신우 학생이 복사열전달 연구실에 석사과정으로 진학하였습니다. 모두 환영합니다.
Category: member
New Member
Minwoo Choi (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Minjoo Kim (Ph.D. Student) and Gi Won Nam (Ph.D. Student) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Siwon Yoon (Ph.D. Student), Taeyeong Kim (M.S. degree) and Jihye Han (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Mr. Dongmin Kim and Junyong Seo (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Mr. Seung Yoon Lee (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for his graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Eung Chang Lee (Ph.D. degree), JongIn Choi (M.S. degree), and MinGeon Kim (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Ms. Caiyan Qin joined TRAD lab for her Ph.D. study. Welcome!
New Member
Jinsung Rho (Ph.D. degree), Mungoung Jeong (M.S. degree), Ji Hoon Kim (M.S. degree), Jaeman Song (M.S. degree), and Kwang Hyun Won (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
New Member
Mr. Joon Ho Song and Jay P. Dulhani joined the Nanoscale Heat Transfer Laboratory for their M.S. study. Welcome on board!