복사열전달 연구실 소속 박사과정 서준용 군이 재단법인 우덕윤덕병재단으로부터 장학금을 수여받았습니다. 서준용 군 축하합니다.
Category: award
[동정 – 04/21/2022] 복사열전달 연구실 소속 송재만 박사가 대한기계학회 열공학부분 우수학위논문상을 수상하였습니다. 송재만 박사 축하합니다.
Dr. Joong Bae Kim has recieved the best Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Thermal Engineering Division of KSME.

Dr. Joong Bae Kim has recieved the ICEM Academic Award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST. Congratulations!

Conference & Award
TRAD Lab members (Joong Bae Kim, Junyong Seo, Dong-min Kim, Jihye Han, and Dr. Bong Jae Lee) attended the KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Busan, Korea, 05/23/2019 – 05/24/2019.

Mr. Joong Bae Kim has received the Best Paper Award. Congratulations!

Conference & Award
Congratulations! Mr. Sihoon Kim received Excellent Award for the Undergraduate Research Participation (URP) program.
Mr. Jongwook Jeon received the Best Paper Award (J. Jeon, S. Park, and B.J. Lee, “Enhancing Light Absorption Performance of Volumetric Solar Collector using Plasmonic Nanofluid based on Gold Nanorod”) from Thermal Engineering Division, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME). Congratulations!