Dr. Bong Jae Lee visited the Tokyo University of Science and the Tokyo Metropolitan University to give a seminar titled “Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures”.
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Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Theory of Thermal Radiation & Radiative Properties” at LG Electronics – 12/16/2011.
New Member
Mr. Sunwoo Han joined the Nanoscale Heat Transfer Laboratory for his Ph.D. study.
Our work on the plasmonic nanofluids has been accepted for publication in ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering.
Ms. Mikyung Lim in the Micro Mechanical System Technology Laboratory (advisor: Dr. Seung Seob Lee) decided to be co-advised by Dr. Bong Jae Lee for her M.S. study.
Mr. Heeseung Park in the Applied Heat Transfer Laboratory (advisor: Dr. Sung Jin Kim) decided be co-advised by Dr. Bong Jae Lee for his Ph.D. study.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a division seminar titled “Electric or Magnetic Metamaterials for Applications in Biosensing and Energy Harvesting” in Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division at Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM).
New Member
Dr. Jae Sik Jin joined the Nanoscale Heat Transfer Laboratory as an Associate Research Professor.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Application of Plasmonic Nanostructures in Solar Energy Harvesting” at the KAIST Institute.