Ms. Caiyan Qin joined TRAD lab for her Ph.D. study. Welcome!
Author: trad
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a special lecture titled “Heat Transfer and Its Engineering Applications” in Campus Asia Program 2015, KAIST.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Control of Thermal Radiation using Optical Metamaterials” in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, USA.
TRAD Lab members (Dr. Bong Jae Lee, Mikyung Lim, Jongwook Jeon, Joonho Song) attended the First Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, New York, USA – 8/9/2015-8/12/2015.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Design of Nanostructures for Controlling Thermal Radiative Properties” in School of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, China.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Application of Thermal Radiation to Energy Technology” in Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH.
Our work on the near-field thermal radiation between doped-Si plates was accepted for publication in Physical Review B.
Mr. Jongwook Jeon received the Best Paper Award (J. Jeon, S. Park, and B.J. Lee, “Enhancing Light Absorption Performance of Volumetric Solar Collector using Plasmonic Nanofluid based on Gold Nanorod”) from Thermal Engineering Division, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME). Congratulations!
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation” in School of Mechanical Engineering at Yeungnam University.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee and Mr. Seokmin Jin attended the 9th Japan-Korea-China Student Symposium at Tokyo Tech, Japan – 3/19/2015-3/21/2015.