Dr. Bong Jae Lee and TRAD Lab have successfully hosted the 3rd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad2017) in KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea – 6/26/2017-6/28/2017.
Author: trad
Our work on the pattern-free optimization of the heliostat layout of a concentrated solar power system was accepted for publication in Solar Energy.
Our work on the optimization of the volumetric solar collector using plasmonic nanofluid was accepted for publication in Solar Energy.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee attended the International Conference on Smart Science and gave the keynote presentation about near-field thermophotovoltaic energy conversion, Huis Ten Bosch, Kyushu, Japan – 4/6/2017-4/8/2017.
TRAD Lab (Dr. Bong Jae Lee, Joong Bae Kim, and Mikyung Lim) attended the 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Science, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea – 3/26/2017-3/30/2017.
Our work on the near-field TPV system with multilayer graphene was accepted for publication in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer.
New Member
Mr. Seung Yoon Lee (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for his graduate study. Welcome on board!