Our work on the robust optimization of micro/nanostructures for broadband absorption has been accepted for publication in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer.
Author: trad
TRAD Lab members (Jaeman Song, Jinsung Rho, Dr. Bong Jae Lee, Caiyan Qin, and Joong Bae Kim) attended the Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Okinawa, Japan – 10/27/2017-10/30/2017.
Our work on the effects of light scattering on the thermal performance of a volumetric solar collector (invited paper) has been accepted for publication in the special issue (Nanotechnology in Energy) of Frontiers in Energy.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave a seminar titled “Designing Nanostructures for Solar Thermal Absorption” at Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Our work on the phonon transport through nanoscale contact (invited paper) has been accepted for publication in the special issue (Nanomaterials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy) of Nanomaterials.
Our work on the pattern-free optimization of the heliostat layout of a concentrated solar power system was accepted for publication in Solar Energy.
Our work on the optimization of the volumetric solar collector using plasmonic nanofluid was accepted for publication in Solar Energy.