Our work about Absorption Characteristics of a Metal-Insulator-Metal Nanodisk has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.
Author: trad
Invited chapter (collaborated with Prof. Kay Park at the University of Utah) about Experimental Exploration of Near-Field Thermal Radiation has been accepted for publication in Annual Review of Heat Transfer.
New Member
Minwoo Choi (M.S. degree) joined Thermal Radiation Lab for their graduate study. Welcome on board!
Dr. Bong Jae Lee was appointed as KAIST Endowed Chair Professor for three years. Congratulations!
Our work about Perfomance Analysis of Near-Field Electroluminescent Refrigeration has been accepted for publication in Journal of Heat Transfer.
Joong Bae Kim received his Ph.D. degree and Dong-min Kim received his Master degree. Congratulations!
We feel really sorry that 2020 Commencement Ceremony has been cancelled because of COVID-19.
Our collaborative work (with Prof. Ikjin Lee at KAIST ME) about Determining Refractive Index of Nanofluids considering Measurement Errors has been accepted for publication in Applied Physic B.
Our collaborative work (with Prof. Gun Young Jung at GIST) about Plasmonic Nanofluids based on Therminol has been accepted for publication in Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells.
Our collaborative work (with Prof. Heon Lee at Korea University) about Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling with Multilayers has been accepted for publication in Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Dr. Bong Jae Lee gave an invited seminar titled “Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Flat Surfaces” at the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.